12/23(water) は営業致します。
年内は30日まで、新年は1/4(moon)We open from < fweight fsize = bbox_h = bbox_w = bbox_x = span "571" bbox_y = "443" "126" "14" "14" = "2" red = "55" green = "55" blue = "55" alpha = "255" >.


Don't forget, are available on the new year's Party.
Please feel free to consult us.


< fweight fsize = bbox_h = bbox_. = bbox_y = bbox_x = span "287" "766" "182" 14″ "14″ ="2"red ="55"green ="55"blue ="55"alpha =" 255"> winter began a limited pot!
< fweight fsize = bbox_h = bbox_y = bbox_x = span "287" "788" bbox_w = "154" 14″ "14″ ="2"red ="55"green ="55"blue ="55"alpha =" 255"> please enjoy!

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