2/2(Saturday) night, smokers held off!

2/2(Saturday) night,
Please note that smoking seats will be reserved.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused to customers who wish to use smoking seats.
Non-smoking seats are available, so we would appreciate it if you could use this seat.
We look forward to seeing you there. m(_ _)m

Lunch popular menu Best10!

北風が冷たくて寒い日が続きますね~ (>_<)
We will announce the most popular ten ~ (^ ^)/

No. 1 Ginger grilled set meal
2位 肉じゃが定食
3位 鶏唐揚げ定食
4位 サバ焼魚定食
No. 5 Ojaga Curry
6位 ぶっかけ丼
No. 7 Tofu-chan Puru Set Meal
8位 カキフライ定食
No. 9 Croquette set meal
10位 ぶり照焼定食

思わず私も本日の賄いでいただいてしまいました (>_<)r /> やっぱり美味しかったです (#^.^#)

皆様もあらためてぜひ召し上がってくださいませ m(__)m